Welcome to Eaton Orthopaedics
Get Treated Like a Pro.
Dr. Koco Eaton and Dr. Douglas Carlan have combined their expertise to give their patients the best in orthopaedics services. Conveniently located in the state-of-the-art Carillon Outpatient Center, Eaton Orthopaedics provides you a one-stop solution to your Orthopaedic problems. Our friendly and knowledgeable office team is dedicated to serving you and your healthcare needs.
Most major insurance plans are accepted.
Orthopaedic Surgeon
for the Tampa Bay Rays
Koco Eaton, M.D.
Orthopaedic Surgery
Hand, Wrist, Elbow, Shoulder
Douglas Carlan, M.D.

Contact Us
(727) 573-5626
Fax: 727-573-5627
900 Carillon Parkway, Suite 311
St. Petersburg, Florida 33716